Author: Tamora Pierce
Ideal Age Range: Young Adult
Mass Market Paperback: 384 Pages
Blurb: “All the orphaned Daine wants when she comes to Tortall is a job. What she finds is magic in many forms. Hired by the Queen’s Riders because of her knack with animals, Daine soon reveals that her knack is truly magical. Not only do animals obey her, but they understand her words. Under the tutelage of the great mage Numair, Daine struggles to focus her powers and confront the nightmares of her past. And so her wild magic grows even stronger. She now can sense the presence of the immortals, evil creatures who threaten the future of Tortall. But Daine will have to learn to trust humans before she can come to terms with her powers and her past-and protect the kingdom from immortal invasion.
My Rating:(★★★★★) I've said before that I am partial to Tammy's books. This is the first one I EVER read. I remember picking it up out of the middle school library. It was a new book. I'm pretty darn sure that it was BRAND new and I was the first to borrow it. I used to spend my mornings before school hanging out in the library. I borrowed this book more than once. I'm pretty sure it's my favorite of the Immortals Quartet, followed quickly with The Realms of the Gods, then Emperor Mage and then Wolf- Speaker.
Wild Magic is Tamora Pierce’s fifth Young Adult novel that is based in the realm of Tortall. Her first series of books were the Song of the Lioness Quartet, featuring the red-headed Knight, Alanna the Lioness. Wild Magic has cameos from beloved characters from Tamora’s first Tortall series including Alanna, Jonathan, Thayet and others.
It’s nice to see what has happened to those characters farther down the road and to hear from them again even if they are not main characters. The Immortals quartet seems to be a little bit more detailed and worked out, maybe written for a little bit of a older crowd than the Song of the Lioness quartet seemed to have been written for, which is nice since then it takes a bit more time to really enjoy the prose and you get more information from the words there. Possibly, this is a result of it being her fifth novel, Tamora has gotten the hang of writing!
Although, I have had no complaints the entire time I’ve known of Tamora Pierce, and that’s been quite a while!
Quotes: “Don't call me 'gentleman'. I work for a livin'”
Similar Titles: Anything by Tamora Pierce that is set in her realm of Tortall, which include, The Song of the Lioness Quartet, The Immortals Quartet, Protector of the Small Quartet, Daughter of the Lioness, and Beka Cooper.
What I’m Reading Next: Still working on Eldest by Christopher Paolini, and then I will be reading Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.
My Rating System:
★ = didn’t like it
★★ = it was ok
★★★ = liked it
★★★★ = really liked it
★★★★★ = it was amazing
© demureconnoisseur/ Stacy Grey
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