Author: Tamora Pierce
Ideal Age Range: Grades 6-12
Mass Market Paperback: 320 Pages
Copyright Date: 1995
Blurb: Sent to Carthak as part of the Tortallan peace delegation, Daine finds herself in the middle of a sticky political situation. She doesn’t like the Carthaki practice of keeping slaves, but it’s not her place to say anything- she’s just there to heal the emperor’s birds. It’s extremely frustrating! What’s more, her power has grown in a mysterious way.
As the peace talks stall, Daine puzzles over Carthak’s two-faced Emperor Ozorne. How can he be so caring with his birds and so cruel to his people? Daine is sure he’s planning something. Daine must fight the powerful Emperor Mage, knowing that the safety and peace of the realm depend on stopping Ozorne’s power-hungry schemes.
My Rating:(★★★★1/2) Daine just keeps getting more and more special pets. I am really quite jealous of her. By this book she has Cloud, the gray shaggy mountain pony, Kitten (Skysong) the Dragonet and in the first two chapters of Emperor Mageshe gets a marmoset named Zek. Not to mention the friends she has back home in Tortall, the Basilisk, Tkaa and the squirrel from Wolf-Speaker, Flicker. I love this book. I like the political intrigue and the fact that you can see political struggles between the ambassadors, and the change of scenery. Carthak is so different from Tortall, it's always fun to read about a new country or land in Tammy's books because she fleshes them out so brilliantly that you can smell, taste and see the differences. Plus, Numair starts showing his feelings, and I like that. ^_^
Quotes: "Someday I must read this scholar everyone. He seems to have written so much- all of it wrong.” -Daine
Similar Titles: Any other Tortall book by Tamora Pierce.
What I’m Reading Next: Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
My Rating System:
★ = didn’t like it
★★ = it was ok
★★★ = liked it
★★★★ = really liked it
★★★★★ = it was amazing
© demureconnoisseur/ Stacy Grey
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