Author: Patricia A. McKillip
Ideal Age Range: Young Adult
Mass Market Paperback: 256 pages
Blurb: Though Morgon the Riddle-Master was reunited with his beloved Raederle, his purpose in life and the reason for the stars on his forehead remained a myster. All around him, the realm shook with war and disaster as mysterious shape-changers battled against mankind. Without the missing High One, Morgon must assume responsibility for all his world. After leading an army of the dead to protect his island of Hed, he and Raederle set out for Lungold, where the wizards were assembling against the evil Ghisteslwchlohm. And behind them came Deth, the crippled harpist, Morgon's friend and betrayer. But Lungold was only the beginning ofthe quest that would lead him to the truth of ancient struggle and the fate of the High One, until at last he could solve all mysteries and know his own awesome destiny!
My Rating:(★1/2 ) This book took me almost two months to finish that almost never happens. I didn't like it. All of that time to find out this one answer to this one riddle drove me crazy. I am so glad I am done reading these books! :(
I normally love Patricia A. McKillip. But these books were not something that I liked, I dreaded reading them and it took me forever and it NEVER takes me that long to read books. I refused to give up. And now I'm done and I never have to read them again. And that makes me excited.
The fact that it makes me excited that I don’t have to read a set of books again kind of makes me sad as well. My husband kept asking me why I didn’t just put them down and not finish them if I didn’t like them so much, but I kept responding with, “I’m more than halfway, I can’t just not finish them!”
I would recommend reading either The Forgotten Beasts of Eld or The Changeling Sea if I were to recommend a Patricia A. McKillip book to anyone. Those are two of my favorite books by her, which is why I thought I would like The Riddle-Master of Hed trilogy, alas it was not meant to be.
This is one of those times where I might say, “but don’t take my word for it,” because my opinion goes against multiple awards that this series has won and many many other reviewers who loved these books.
Just not my cup of tea I suppose! Onto bigger and brighter things, I’d say!
Quotes: "Night is not something to endure until dawn. It is an element, like wind or fire. Darkness is its own kingdom; it moves to its own laws, and many living things dwell in it."
Similar Titles: The Changeling Sea by Patricia A. McKillip, The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A. McKillip, The Riddle-Master of Hed by Patricia A. McKillip, Heir of Sea and Fire by Patricia A. McKillip
My Rating System:
★ = didn’t like it
★★ = it was ok
★★★ = liked it
★★★★ = really liked it
★★★★★ = it was amazing
© demureconnoisseur/ Stacy Grey
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