Title: Tortall and Other Lands
Author: Tamora Pierce
Ideal Age Range: Teen
Mass Market Paperback: 369 pages
Copyright Date: February 2011
Blurb: “Years ago, the novel Alanna introduced fantasy lovers to the magical kingdom of Tortall. In Tamora Pierce’s subsequent fifteen books set in this medieval realm, readers have gotten to know generations of families; legions of friends, foes, and fantastical creatures; and much about the history, magic, and spirit of this extraordinarily well-drawn locale.
But epics do not always proved the smaller, more intimate tales. Collected here are six wondrous shorter tales from the land of Tortall, featuring previously unknown characters as well as old friends. These stories, some of which have never been published before, will lead old fans and new readers more deeply into one of the most intricately constructed worlds of modern fantasy. There are four more fantasy tales not set in Tortall. Two are historical and set in an unknown town; one takes place in a remote desert; and one is set in a very well-known town, New York City, in our time.
And as a bonus, there’s one nonfantasy set in contemporary Idaho that proves that Pierce’s multilayered characters, finesse with dialogue, and impeccable storytelling are not limited to lands inhabited by dragons and magic.
Dive in and get carried away. Few writers can envelop you as completely as Tamora Pierce.”
My Rating:(★★★★) I really enjoyed Tortall and Other Lands, mostly for two reasons: One, with a 5 month old son, it is a lot easier to read short stories than a long novel and two, well, it’s Tamora Pierce. I’m going to break down the short stories and rate them, but overall I will say that I liked all of them for different reasons, mostly to do with the great variety of subject focus.
Student of Ostriches~ This first short story was published first in Young Warriors: Stories of Strength which is a book with a collection of short stories edited by Tamora Pierce and Josepha Sherman, so as I read the first story in Tortall and Other Lands I was plagued with a feeling that I had read the story before. I kept thinking to myself what the next twist in the plot would be and then it happened, too many times to be a coincidence so I looked it up, relieved that I wasn’t some sort of psychic. Then it occurred to me that if I had been editing Tortall and Other Lands, I don’t think that I would have led off with a story that had been previously been published.
Student of Ostriches was a look into the beginning of a Shang Fighter that was first named in Lioness Rampant, Kylaia Al Jmaa, the Shang Unicorn. And even though I was going through Deva Vu the entire time I was reading the story, I did like it, it makes me wish that Tamora Pierce would write a book or a series about the Shang.
Elder Brother is the story about the tree that Numair turned into a man. If I were to give it a grade I think I would settle for a B+. This story and the next are connected, showing a look into other cultures in Tortall, like the people that follow the God of the Flame.
The Hidden Girl is about a girl named, Teky who had an interaction with a character from Elder Brother, as if to show the other side of an unknown religion. I liked this story, as it made you think about what it would be like to be in a culture that had their women be veiled, and not as something to not understand and hate, as it seems happens “in real life”, but to think of it in a totally different way, as a source of hidden strength.
Nawat, was probably my least favorite story in the collection. I’m not sure why, really, maybe it’s because I wasn’t that big of a fan of the character in general, or that the story was a little too long. I wouldn’t say that I didn’t like it because overall any story in Tortall is a worthy tale to me.
The Dragon’s Tale was cute, and one of my favorites. Kitten is the main character of The Dragon’s Tale with a few supporting characters that many remember, Daine, Numair and Numair’s horse, Spots.
Lost, set in Tusaine about a girl who is amazing at mathematics, has Darkings in it.
Time of Proving was very short, a tale about a girl who is on her quest to prove herself as an adult of her tribe, where she helps a basically helpless “tenth-rank scholar” named Sunflower.
Plain Magic was good, an interesting look into a different type of magic, one that isn’t all sparks and fireworks, but common magic. Featuring a supposed man eating dragon.
Mimic was one of my other favorites, about a girl on the verge of growing up that saves an unknown creature that she names Mimic.
Huntress is the first of the stories set in this world and in this time period. It was different but in a good way!
Testing is set at a group home featuring several teen girls that are notorious for not welcoming new housemothers.
I chose not to read the sneak peek into Mastiff because I didn’t want to get one chapter and not be able to read the rest!
Similar Titles: Young Warriors-Stories of Strength
My Rating System:
★ = didn’t like it
★★ = it was ok
★★★ = liked it
★★★★ = really liked it
★★★★★ = it was amazing
© demureconnoisseur/ Stacy Grey
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