Manufacturer: Cameron’s Coffee
Product’s Website:
Weight: Single Pot
Tagline: Keeping Specialty Coffees Special
Description: A blend of cinnamon and spice creates a unique cup of coffee. Perfect for anytime.
My Rating:(★★★) Cameron’s African Cinnamon Coffee is a lighter roasted coffee made from Arabica coffee beans with cinnamon and spices for some extra flavor. It is listed under their flavored coffees and comes in individual packages or sample packages. It’s hard for me to rate and review coffee since I am honestly, not a “connoisseur” of coffee, I can’t drink it plain, but I know there are many many other people just like me. I took a few sips of this coffee without anything added to it, and you can definitely taste the cinnamon in it.
If you don’t like cinnamon, absolutely do not get this coffee. I added a little half and half and two spoonfuls of sugar, and it’s almost as good as a coffee from the coffee shop that would cost you four dollars. That’s really the only way I can drink coffee, as I do prefer other ways to intake my caffeine, like soda.
My Rating System:
★ = didn’t like it
★★ = it was ok
★★★ = liked it
★★★★ = really liked it
★★★★★ = it was amazing
© demureconnoisseur/ Stacy Grey